Beware of Blue-Green Algae in Lakes Across the US 

Beware of Blue-Green Algae in Lakes Across the US Keep Your Dog Safe and Enjoy Your Summer Outings Freshwater algae and cyanobacteria Freshwater algae play an important role in aquatic ecosystems. Most algae are harmless, but some species (notably cyanobacteria, also called blue-green algae) can on occasion produce toxins that can be dangerous to animals…

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Decoding Your Dog’s Distress: Signs, Causes, and Solutions for Canine Anxiety

An image with an anxious dog

Help Your Dog Relax: Understanding and Addressing Canine Anxiety Recognizing the Signs of Anxiety in Your Dog Canine anxiety is a common issue that can manifest in various ways. Here’s how to spot the signs: Physical signs: Excessive panting, pacing, trembling, whining, licking, diarrhea, vomiting, loss of appetite, dilated pupils, flattened ears, tucked tail. Behavioral…

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Beware the Beautiful Sago Palm: Understanding Its Toxicity in Dogs

Beware the Beautiful Sago Palm: Understanding Its Toxicity in Dogs The sago palm, with its lush green fronds and striking appearance, is a popular ornamental landscaping plant across many regions. However, what many pet owners don’t realize is that this seemingly innocuous plant harbors a dark secret: it’s highly toxic to dogs. This article will…

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