Dr. Dara Berry, Austin Veterinary Housecall, Austin, TX

I first used Dr Daniel’s Feline Veterinary Hemp Extract when she convinced me to try it on my own 18 yr old cat.  Dulci suffered from crippling arthritis as a result of being caught in a fan belt as a kitten . She was in so much pain she spent her days lying on her heated cat bed , barely moving around and only leaving her bed to use the litter box and eat .   Within a few days of starting the hemp oil once a day  I noticed a striking change in Dulci’s mobility and she began to climb stairs, get back in bed with me again,  and climb on the back of sofa . Her appetite and mood greatly improved , too.  After my experience with my own cat I began to recommend Dr Daniel’s hemp oil products for many of my own  house call patients . Her products have been of great benefit for a variety of conditions , including Hospice care, cats with Chronic Renal Failure , arthritis and in dogs with refractory pain conditions .
Dr Daniel is always available to answer  product or dosing questions my clients may have .